
July 20 ( Thursday )

Time Venue Schedule
8:00-20:00 欢城1F大厅 Registration
Women Scientific Forum
Time Venue Schedule
8:00-16:45 欢城3F国际厅 女科学家论坛
S26 亚细胞结构与功能:前沿进展与新技术/Subcellular Structures and Functions: New frontiers and New Techniques
Time: 20 Jul. 13:00-17:40  Venue: 欢城3F贵宾一厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-17:40 Chairs: Ye Tian, Wei Ji
1 13:00-13:20 Haoxin Xu Molecular physiology of lysosomes  
( Zhejiang University, China
2 13:20-13:40 Long Li 线粒体蛋白质的跨膜运输 
( Peking University, China )
3 13:40-14:00 Suhong Xu Golgi apparatus in cell boundary repair 
( Zhejiang University, China )
4 14:00-14:20 Wei Xiong 衰老的细胞及细胞器代谢异质性 
( University of Science and Technology of China )
5 14:20-14:40 Likun Wang Unfold the relationship between unfolded proteins and unfolded protein response
( Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China )
6 14:40-14:50 Qiang Guo 组织样品原位结构解析技术
( Peking University, China )
7 14:50-15:00 Kaiguang Yang CD-MS: Cross-linker Delivery coupled with Mass Spectrometry for the in situ mapping of protein conformations and interactions in cellular organelles of living cells
( Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China )
8 15:00-15:10 Leiting Pan 红细胞骨架膨胀单分子定位超分辨成像
( Nankai University, China )
15:10-15:30 Tea Break
9 15:30-15:50 Peng Xi 超分辨:以新维度,探新认知
( Peking University, China)  
10 15:50-16:10 Peng Fei “单曝光即3D”的高速-低光毒性活细胞光场成像
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) 
11 16:10-16:30 Yiming Li 单分子定位显微镜:从单细胞结构性成像到高通量功能性成像
( Southern University of Science and Technology, China) 
12 16:30-16:50 Yaming Jiu 亚细胞结构促进先天免疫细胞捕获病原体的研究
( Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, CAS, China) 
13 16:50-17:10 Kangmin He Dynamics of clathrin-mediated endocytosis and recycling
( Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, China) 
14 17:10-17:20 Yan Zhang 蔡司体电镜成像方案-高效、智能的全新体验
15 17:20-17:30 Lu Wang Fluorogenic and cell-permeable rhodamines for live-cell protein labeling in superresolution imaging
(Max Planck Institute, Germany)
16 17:30-17:40 Baohui Chen Emerging imaging technologies for 4D Nucleome Research
( Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China )
S32 神经免疫内稳态与应激/Neuroimmune Homeostasis and Stress
Time: 20 Jul. 13:00-16:20  Venue: 欢城3F鸿运厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:20 Chairs: Haijun Tu, Ruping Dai
1 13:00-13:25 Zhuohua Zhang TBD
( University of South China)  
2 13:25-13:50 Yun Wang 神经-免疫调节网络--外周与中枢的互作与神经退行性疾病的发生
( Peking University, China)  
3 13:50-14:15 Ji Hu 应激:从神经到免疫
( ShanghaiTech University, China)  
4 14:15-14:40 Ruping Dai 脑源性神经营养因子前体蛋白免疫调控功能
( The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, China )
5 14:40-15:05 Zengqiang Yuan 糖代谢紊乱与老年痴呆症
( Academy of Military Medical Sciences, China)  
6 15:05-15:30 Bingxing Pan 神经炎症引发焦虑的杏仁核机制
( Nanchang University, China )
7 15:30-15:55 Dengke Ma Co-opted toxin encoding genes in innate immunity and neurodegeneration
( University of California, San Francisco)  
8 15:55-16:20 Haijun Tu 神经元GABA调控肠道固有免疫的机制
( Hunan University, China) 
S25 单细胞多组学技术前沿与进展/Single-cell Multiomics Technologies: From Research to Applications 
Time: 20 Jul. 13:00-16:00  Venue: 欢城3F恬园厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Xiaoqun Wang, Zemin Zhang
1 13:00-13:30 Lan Jiang 基于微流控组合标记的单细胞测序技术
( Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS, China )
2 13:30-14:00 Qingfeng Wu Decoding neuronal diversification, specification and projection by single-cell multiomics
( Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, China )
3 14:00-14:30 Wen Yuan Temporally-divergent regulatory mechanisms govern neuronal maturation in the neocortex
( Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, China )
4 14:30-15:00 Bo Zeng 人类原肠胚和早期神经系统发育的单细胞时空转录图谱
( Changping Laboratory, China )
5 15:00-15:30 Lei Zhang 单细胞组学解析炎症性肠病致病机制
( Shenzhen Bay Laboratory/Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, China )
6 15:30-16:00 Da Mi The mechanisms underlying the emergence of cortical inhibitory neuron diversity
( Tsinghua University, China )
S27 病原生物信息学/Pathogen Bioinformatics
Time: 20 Jul. 13:00-16:00 Venue: 欢城3F朝阳厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Taijiao Jiang, Yousong Peng
1 13:00-13:20 Jian Lu 新冠病毒的分子演化动态与规律
( Peking University, China)  
2 13:20-13:40 Fangqing Zhao 病原体实时测序及分析技术
( Beijing Institutes of Life Science, CAS, China)  
3 13:40-14:00 Yigang Tong 利用PE150短读长测序16S-V3V4进行病原细菌检测
( Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China) 
4 14:00-14:20 Xingming Zhao AI赋能的微生物大数据挖掘
( Fudan University, China) 
5 14:20-14:40 Weifeng Shi Virus diversity: a long way to go
( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) 
6 14:40-15:00 Yongyi Shen 动物病毒组监测数据库的构建及信息挖掘
( South China Agricultural University, China) 
7 15:00-15:20 Yang Cao 新冠分子药物设计与计算方法研究
( Sichuan University, China) 
8 15:20-15:40 Xiangjun Du 分子演化、系统生物学以及理论建模在传染病精准防控中的应用
( Sun Yat-sen University, China) 
9 15:40-16:00 Zhichao Miao 新冠非编码RNA的结构模拟
( Guangzhou Lab, China)  
Coffee Break
Time Venue Schedule
16:00-16:15 欢城3F序厅 Coffee Break
BSC Journals Forum
Time Venue Schedule
16:15-18:15 欢城3F恬园厅 BSC Journals Forum
Science Innovation Forum
Time Venue Schedule
16:30-18:30 欢城3F鸿运厅 创新创业论坛
Welcome Dinner
Time Venue Schedule
18:00-20:30 璇宫
Welcome Dinner

July 21 ( Friday )

Opening Ceremony 
Time Venue Schedule
8:30-8:45 欢城3F宴会厅 Opening Ceremony
Bei Shizhang Award
Time Venue Schedule
8:45-9:00 欢城3F宴会厅 Bei Shizhang Award
Plenary Lecture 
Venue: 欢城3F宴会厅B+C
Time Speaker Title/Affiliation
9:00-9:45 Dinshaw J. Patel Structural Biology of Histone and DNA Methylation
(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA)
9:45-10:30 Heping Cheng 钙火花30年:细胞数字信号原理 
Thirty Years of Calcium Sparks: Digital Principle of Intracellular Signaling
 (Peking University, China)
Tea Break
Time Venue Schedule
10:30-10:45 欢城3F序厅 Tea Break
Plenary Lecture 
Venue: 欢城3F宴会厅B+C
Time Speaker Title/Affiliation
10:45-11:30 Zhenglin Yang 视网膜病变致病机制
 (Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, China)
Time Venue Schedule
11:30-13:00 欢城3F宴会厅A 
S1-1 结构与计算生物学-I/Structural and Computational Biology I
Time: 21 Jul. 13:00-16:00   Venue:欢城3F贵宾一厅
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Yihua Huang, Pu Gao
1 13:00-13:20 Yanhui Xu 启动子区染色质促进转录起始复合物组装的分子机制
( Fudan University, China )
2 13:20-13:40 Jingjin Ding Mechanistic insights into pyroptosis-mediated host defense and bacterial antagonism
( Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China )
3 13:40-14:00 Sheng Ye The polyphosphate polymerase VTC: Coupling polymer synthesis to membrane transit
( Tianjin University, China )
4 14:00-14:20 Yu Zhang 基因转录终止的分子机制
( Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Science/Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS, China )
5 14:20-14:40 Wen Zhou Molecular basis of immune activation and suppression
( Southern University of Science and Technology, China )
6 14:40-15:00 Zhucheng Chen Mechanism of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling, the known and unknown
( Tsinghua University, China )
7 15:00-15:13 Lei Sun Dynamic molecular architecture and substrate recruitment of Cullin3-RING E3 ligase CRL3KBTBD2
( Fudan University, China )
8 15:13-15:26 Yingang Feng Structural and Functional Mechanism of SigI/RsgI, a unique type of σ/anti-σ factors in bacteria
( Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, CAS, China )
9 15:26-15:39 Hongjun Yu Fungal cell wall synthesis: molecular basis, antifungal drug resistance and drug action mechanism
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
10 15:39-15:52 Zongqiang Li Structure and function of nuclear pore complex
( Tsinghua University, China )
11 15:52-16:00 Feng Wang The New Era of ‘Protein Design Revolution’
( Wuxi Biortus Biosciences Co., Ltd )

S4 冷冻电镜新技术和新应用/Development and Application of cryo-EM technology
Time: 21 Jul. 13:00-16:00  Venue:欢城3F恬园厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Ning Gao, Hongrong Liu
1 13:00-13:30 Gang Ji 光电关联成像技术在原位冷冻电镜技术中的应用
( Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China )
2 13:30-14:00 Yuhe Yang EM Epitope Mapping and Vaccine Development
( National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China )
3 14:00-14:25 Pujuan Deng Structural RNA components supervise the sequential DNA cleavage in R2 retrotransposon
( Tsinghua University, China )
4 14:25-14:50 Ningning Li 红细胞Spectrin-Actin膜骨架系统的冷冻电镜结构研究
( Peking University, China )
5 14:50-15:15 Wenyuan Chen 短尾噬菌体T7不同状态下非对称原子结构研究
( Hunan Normal University, China )
6 15:15-15:34 Nan Liu Cryo-EM specimen preparation using graphene blotting, instead of filter paper
( Tsinghua University, China )
7 15:40-16:00 Xiangli Wang The Recent Advances and Application in Cryo-EM
( Thermo Fisher Scientific )

S6 临床分子诊断/Molecular Diagnostics
Time: 21 Jul. 13:00-15:30  Venue:欢城3F吉祥厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-15:30 Chairs: Zhenglin Yang, Kun Xia
1 13:00-13:30 Lingqian Wu 基于长读长测序的复杂单基因病精准筛查与诊断技术研究
( Central South University, China )
2 13:30-14:00 Xiangmin Xu 血红蛋白病精准诊断的分子基础
( Southern Medical University, China )
3 14:00-14:30 Chenhui Wang 外周T细胞淋巴瘤的精准诊疗研究
( Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, China )
4 14:30-15:00 Weiwei Liu 临床分子诊断自动化的发展和挑战
( Longhua Hospital Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China )
5 15:00-15:30 Yanfang Jiang 肿瘤早筛及分子检测技术新进展
( The First Bethune Hospital of Jilin University, China )

S10 纳米生物技术与人类健康/Nanobiotechnology and Human Health 
Time: 21 Jul. 13:00-16:00  Venue:欢城3F朝阳厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Xueyun Gao, Yuanyu Huang, Dongdong Su
1 13:00-13:25 Xingjie Liang 纳米生物医药技术的发展及其临床潜在应用
( National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China )
2 13:25-13:50 Zhibo Liu 放疗响应前药
( Peking University, China )
3 13:50-14:15 Deju Ye 智能多模态分子成像
( Nanjing University, China )
4 14:15-14:40 Jibin Song 活体比率成像与分子测量
( Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China )
5 14:40-15:05 Hua Zhu 防微杜渐:分子影像与核素探针
( Peking University Cancer Hospital, China )
6 15:05-15:30 Zhiai Xu 基于生物正交策略的肿瘤精准诊疗纳米探针构建及应用
( East China Normal University, China )
7 15:30-15:45 Jinhui Wu 微生物活载体智能递送系统
( Nanjing University, China )
8 15:45-16:00 Jianbo Liu 人工细胞的化学构建与诊疗应用研究
( Hunan University, China )
S11-1 脑功能与环路的多维度探索/Brain circuit & function: from technology innovation to theoretical breakthrough
Time: 21 Jul. 13:00-15:56 Venue:欢城3F鸿运厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-15:56 Chairs: Zhi Zhang, Changhe Wang
1 13:00-13:16 Wenbiao Gan Synaptic plasticity and maintenance in the cortex
( Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, China )
2 13:16-13:32 Zhuan Zhou Physiological super-resolution recording of sympathetic norepinephrine release from peripheral organs or clinical biopsies in situ
( Peking University, China )
3 13:32-13:48 Youming Lu 记忆的分子和环路机理
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
4 13:48-14:04 Hiatao Wu Decoding cortical circuit mechanisms of social behavior
( Academic of Military Medical Science, China )
5 14:04-14:20 Yan Liu 复杂人脑类器官构建与神经环路研究
( Nanjing Medical University, China )
6 14:20-14:36 Changhe Wang A closed ACC-VTA-ACC feedback loop mediates the persistence of neuropathic pain
( Xi'an Jiaotong University, China )
7 14:36-14:52 Zhi Zhang 疼痛调节免疫系统的神经机制初探
( University of Science and Technology of China )
8 14:52-15:08 Ying Zhang Thalamic function in health and disease
( Tsinghua University, China )
9 15:08-15:24 Xiaoyuan Song Functional study of long noncoding RNA Synage in Purkinje and granule neurons
( University of Science and Technology of China )
10 15:24-15:40 Peng Zou Bright and sensitive red voltage indicators for imaging neuronal action potentials
( Peking University, China )
11 15:40-15:56 Liang Wang High-performance genetically encoded fluorescent indicators for sensitive cAMP imaging in vivo and fast drug screening
( Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS, China )

S29 钙信号分会成立暨钙信号与细胞功能调控I/Ca Signaling in Cell Functions I  
Time: 21 Jul. 13:00-16:00  Venue:欢城2F金鹰厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Heping Cheng, Shiqiang Wang
13:00-13:20 Opening Speech
1 13:20-14:00 Nieng Yan Targeting Nav/Cav Channels for Pain Relief
( Shenzhen Medical Academy of Research and Translation/Tsinghua University, China )
2 14:00-14:20 Hoaxin Xu 溶酶体钙信号
( Zhejiang University, China )
3 14:20-14:40 Zongjie Cui 薛绍白与细胞高尔基体钙库
( Beijing Normal University, China )
4 14:40-15:00 Donglin Bai Lens gap junction channels and their modulation by divalent cations
( Western University, Canada )
5 15:00-15:20 Jinpeng Sun 鱼油受体GPR120识别不饱和脂肪酸的分子机制
( Shandong University, China )
6 15:20-15:40 Jianfeng Liu GPCR二聚体变构激活机制
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
7 15:40-16:00 Zhuan Zhou Cocaine induces locomotor sensitization through a dopamine-dependent cortico-cortical pathway
( Peking University, China )
Coffee Break
Time Venue Schedule
16:00-16:15 欢城3F序厅 Coffee Break

S17 纳米酶:新一代模拟酶的机遇与挑战/Nanozymes: the challenges and opportunities for next generation of artificial enzymes
Time: 21 Jul. 16:15-18:35  Venue:欢城2F金鹰厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-18:35 Chairs: Xiyun Yan, Xiaogang Qu
1 16:15-16:35 Chunying Chen Chemical and Biophysical Signatures of the Protein Corona in Nanomedicine
( National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China )
2 16:35-16:55 Xueyun Gao 肺癌CTC定量分析
( Beijing University of Technology, China )
3 16:55-17:15 Yanli Zhao Metal-Organic Framework Derived Nanozymes for Therapeutic Applications
( Nanyang Technological University, Singapore )
4 17:15-16:35 Zhengwei Mao 调控ROS稳态的益生菌/纳米酶复合活性材料
( Zhejiang University, China )
5 17:35-17:55 Xinglu Huang 人工智能纳米酶
( Nankai University, China )
6 17:55-18:15 Huiyu Liu 光控纳米酶的结构与性能调控
( Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China )
7 18:15-18:35 Jing Wang 生物计量与核酸蛋白质特性量值溯源性研究
( National Institute of Metrology, China )

S5 人类健康中的单分子学/Multiscale Mechanobiology
Time: 21 Jul. 16:15-19:15  Venue:欢城3F鸿运厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-19:15 Chairs: Mian Long, Xuefeng Guo
1 16:15-16:45 Weihong Tan 单个细胞的蛋白质分子图谱
( Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer, CAS, China )
2 16:45-17:00 Hongda Wang 多种单分子技术研究细胞膜结构
( Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS, China )
3 17:00-17:15 Yi Cao 蛋白质材料力学特性的设计与调控
( Nanjing University, China )
4 17:15-17:30 Chunlai Chen Single-molecule fluorescence technique to elucidate dynamics and functions of biomolecules
( Tsinghua University, China )
5 17:30-17:45 Jizhong Lou 单分子测序与个性化治疗
( Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China )
17:45-17:55 Tea Break
6 17:55-18:10 Yu Du A multi-cellular micro-physiological system for studying cholestatic liver disease
( Institute of Mechanics, CAS, China )
7 18:10-18:25 Zheng Liu “点亮”细胞力学的传导动态过程:从单细胞至单分子
( The Institute for Advanced Studies of Wuhan University, China )
8 18:25-18:35 Fang Jiao 基于高速原子力显微镜
( HS-AFM)的Perforin-2蛋白打孔机理和动力学研究
( Institute of Physics, CAS, China )
9 18:35-18:45 Shimin Le Mechanical Regulation of the alpha-actinin Dimer
( Xiamen University, China )
10 18:45-18:55 Ling Wang Visualize the convergent transcription by single-molecule techniques
( Southern University of Science and Technology, China)
11 18:55-19:05 Hao Yu Mechanistic insight into the mechanical unfolding of the integral membrane diacylglycerol kinase
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
12 19:05-19:15 Bailin Zhao The Molecular Basis of DNA Synapsis during Non-homologous End Joining Repair
( Xi’an Jiaotong University, China )

S7 耳聋:从遗传学到机制解析/Hearing Loss: From Genetics to Mechanisms 
Time: 21 Jul. 16:15-18:55  Venue:欢城3F贵宾一厅     
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-18:55 Chairs: Huijun Yuan, Yong Feng
1 16:15-16:45 Huijun Yuan 遗传性耳聋WGS临床检测能力建设
( West China School of Medicine/West China Hospital of Sichuan University, China )
2 16:45-17:15 Yong Feng 耳聋新基因的鉴定策略及应用
( Changsha Central Hospital, China )
3 17:15-17:35 Tao Yang GJB2基因p.V37I突变的听力表型及致聋机制研究
( Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, China )
4 17:35-17:55 Lixia Gao Representation of individual conspecific vocalizations in amygdala of awake marmoset
( Zhejiang University, China )
5 17:55-18:15 Wei Yuan 老年性聋的标志物预测
( Chongqing General Hospital, China )
6 18:15-18:35 Guoqiang Wan 显性遗传性耳聋的动物模型和机制研究
( Nanjing University, China )
7 18:35-18:55 Xiaolong Fu 老年性耳聋的机制探索
( Shandong First Medical University & Shandong Academy of Medical Science, China )
S8 罕见代谢性疾病的基础和临床研究进展/Progress in basic and clinical research of rare metabolic diseases  
Time: 21 Jul. 16:15-19:15  Venue:欢城3F恬园厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-19:15 Chairs: Hongwen Zhou, Xuqin Zheng
1 16:15-16:45 Wei Li 白化病的发生机制研究
( Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, China )
2 16:45-17:15 Tongjin Zhao 脂肪细胞过度脂肪酸合成导致细胞死亡和脂肪营养不良综合征
( Fudan University, China )
3 17:15-17:45 Zhuoxian Meng Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms of Beta Cell Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetes
( Zhejiang University, China )
4 17:45-18:15 Dongmei Zhang X染色体相关的低血糖症
( Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, China )
5 18:15-18:45 Tianshu Zeng 脂肪营养不良和糖尿病
( Wuhan Union Hospital of China )
6 18:45-19:15 Jie Qiao 染色质结构维持蛋白5突变的代谢相关表型研究
( Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, China )
S12 人群代谢组学:技术与应用/Population-based metabolomics: technology and applications
Time: 21 Jul. 16:15-19:10  Venue:欢城3F朝阳厅
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-19:10 Chairs: Huiru Tang, Zhengjiang Zhu
1 16:15-16:45 Huiru Tang 群体代谢组学与挑战
( Fudan University, China )
2 16:45-17:10 Huiyong Yin Metabolomics in Hyperuricemia and Gout
( Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, CAS, China/City University of Hong Kong, China )
3 17:10-17:35 Lemin Zheng 代谢组学与心血管医学研究
( Peking University Health Science Center, China )
4 17:35-18:10 Zhengjiang Zhu 质谱驱动的精准代谢组学技术与应用
( Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS, China )
5 18:10-18:35 Haitao Lv Functional metabolomics innovations for the interdisciplinary sciences of life and health
( Hong Kong Baptist University, China )
6 18:35-19:10 Junfang Wu 靶标代谢物在心力衰竭诊断和预警中的作用
( Tongji Hospital Tongji Medical College of HUST, China )
S13 铁死亡前沿与进展/Ferrotosis and Beyond 
Time: 21 Jul. 16:15-19:05 Venue:欢城3F吉祥厅 
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-18:05 Chairs: Fudi Wang
1 16:15-16:40 Fudi Wang Boundless Ferrology
( University of South China/Zhejiang University, China )
2 16:40-17:05 Jiao Wu 玄铁重剑向何方—铁死亡与自身免疫病新进展
Air Force Medical University )
3 17:05-17:30 Bo Chu 代谢驱动的肿瘤细胞铁死亡可塑性研究
( Shandong University, China )
4 17:30-17:55 Yi Liang 超氧化物歧化酶淀粉样纤维引发细胞铁死亡的机制研究
( Wuhan University, China )
5 17:55-18:15 Xuexian Fang 苹果酸酶介导的肝脏铁死亡新机制
( Hangzhou Normal University, China )
6 18:15-18:35 Jing Zhang Ubiquitin ligase E3 HUWE1 regulated ferroptosis in liver injury
( Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China )
7 18:35-18:55 Xu Zhang Alox15及代谢产物15-HpETE加重心肌缺血再灌注损伤的作用和机制
( Tianjin Medical University, China )
8 18:55-19:05 Huijuan Xu PCYT1A deficiency disturbs fatty acids metabolism homeostasis and causes ferroptosis in retina
( Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences – Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, China )
Time Venue Schedule
18:00-20:00 欢城3F国际厅 青年科研生涯规划讲座
Time Venue Schedule
19:00-21:00 璇宫 

July 22 ( Saturday )

Plenary Lecture 
Venue: 欢城3F宴会厅B+C
Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
8:30-9:15 Xiaoliang Sunney Xie Single Cell Genomics - Coming of Age
(Peking University, China)
9:15-10:00 Tian Xue Light and Life:光感受与生命过程调控 
(University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Coffee Break
Time Venue Schedule
10:00-10:15 欢城3F序厅 Coffee Break
Poster Presentation
Time Venue Schedule
10:15-11:30 欢城2F大厅 墙报展讲
Time Venue Schedule
11:30-13:00 欢城3F宴会厅A 
S1-2 结构与计算生物学-II/Structural and Computational Biology II 
Time: 22 Jul. 13:00-16:00  Venue:欢城3F贵宾一厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Yihua Huang, Pu Gao
1 13:00-13:20 Jinpeng Sun 类固醇激素膜受体亚家族的发现和GPCR对微环境的感知
( Shandong University, China )
2 13:20-13:40 Xinzheng Zhang New technology enables high-throughput, high-resolution structural analysis of proteins in cells
( Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China )
3 13:40-14:00 Junyu Xiao Structural insights into immunoglobulin M
( Peking University, China )
4 14:00-14:20 Jiangtao Guo Structures and mechanisms of plant hormone transporters
( Zhejiang University, China )
5 14:20-14:40 Zibo Chen A synthetic protein-level neural network in mammalian cells
( Westlake University, China )
6 14:40-15:00 Pu Gao Innate immune recognition of nucleic acids: signaling and regulation
( Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China )
7 15:00-15:13 Gaojie Song Structural basis for the diversity of adenosine receptors
( East China Normal University, China )
8 15:13-15:26 Jia Duan Structure of a G protein-coupled receptor with GRK2 and a biased ligand
( Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS, China )
9 15:26-15:39 Heng Zhang Target RNA-guided protease activity in type III-E CRISPR–Cas system
( Tianjin Medical University, China )
10 15:39-15:52 Yunhui Peng Elucidating the effects of epigenetic modifications on nucleosome dynamics and interactions through integrative computational approaches
( Central China Normal University, China )
11 15:52-16:00 Hailong Zhang Introduction to FIDA technology & applications: characterizing biomolecular behavior by monitoring changes in hydrodynamic radius
( Shanghai Triobio Co., Ltd. )

S2 生物膜的物质交换,损伤修复和功能分析/Biomolecule exchange, damage repair and functional analysis of membranes 
Time: 22 Jul. 13:00-16:00 Venue:欢城3F吉祥厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Qing Zhong, Wei Li
1 13:00-13:20 Quan Chen 膜损伤与铁死亡信号传播
( Nankai University, China )
2 13:20-13:40 Liang Ge Protein translocation in vesicle-mediated unconveniontal secretion
( Tsinghua University, China )
3 13:40-14:00 Anbing Shi Age-associated decline in recycling efficacy impairs intestinal barrier
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
4 14:00-14:20 Junjie Hu 内质网向线粒体的神经酰胺分流通路
( Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China )
14:20-14:30 Tea Break
5 14:30-14:50 Cong Ma 突触黏附因子EphrinB-EphB介导的突触间逆向信号调控突触前囊泡分泌
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
6 14:50-15:10 Qiming Sun 胆固醇调控内质网自噬的分子机制研究
( Zhejiang University, China )
7 15:10-15:30 Yueguang Rong Autolysosome Formation and Recycling
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
8 15:30-15:50 Jiajia Liu Plasma membrane phosphoinositde metabolism during long-term synaptic potentiation
( Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, China )
9 15:50-16:00 Chongyuan Wang Gating choreography and mechanism of the human proton-activated chloride channel ASOR
( Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, China )

S3 代谢疾病:调控、机制与干预/Metabolic Diseases: Regulation, Mechanisms, and Interventions 
Time: 22 Jul. 13:00-15:50 Venue:欢城3F国际厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Qing Zhong, Wei Li
13:00-13:05 Opening Speech
1 13:05-13:25 Yongsheng Chang Foxi2与能量代谢
( Tianjin Medical University, China )
2 13:25-13:45 Hongting Zheng 脂质代谢障碍与糖尿病心肌病
( Xinqiao Hospital of AMU, China )
3 13:45-14:05 Yiguo Wang 代谢的激素调控
( Tsinghua University, China )
4 14:05-14:25 Yu Li Nutrient Sensing and Molecular Control of Metabolism in the Liver
( Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, CAS, China )
14:25-14:30 Tea Break
5 14:30-14:50 Pingsheng Liu 17bHSD家族蛋白介导脂滴动态变化和脂肪肝病
( Institute of Biophysics, CAS, China )
6 14:50-15:10 Cheng Hu 神经调节蛋白4与代谢调控
( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China )
7 15:10-15:30 Jichun Yang 新肝脏因子FAM3D与糖脂代谢调控
( Peking University, China )
8 15:30-15:50 Jianping Ye Type 2 Diabetes is a protective mechanism in compensation for burden of energy surplus
( Zhengzhou university, China )

S18 生物大分子相分离与相变/Biomolecular phase separation and phase transition
Time: 22 Jul. 13:00-15:55 Venue:欢城3F朝阳厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-15:55 Chairs: Ke Ruan, Yi Lin
1 13:00-13:25 Guoqiang Bi Mesophasic molecular organization in neuronal synapses
( University of Science and Technology of China/Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, China )
2 13:25-13:50 Yan Song Mitotic retention of transcripton factor condensates in mouse brain development
( Peking University, China )
3 13:50-14:15 Min Ouyang Phase transition drives chloroplast cargo import and folding
( Huazhong Agricultural University, China )
4 14:15-14:40 Wenyu Wen Feedback regulation of ubiquitination and phase separation of HECT E3 ligases
( Fudan University, China )
5 14:40-15:05 Kai Huang Phase separation as higher-order catalyst
( Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, China )
6 15:05-15:30 Zhou Songyang Proximity proteomics of nuclear bodies
( Sun Yat-sen University, China )
7 15:30-15:55 Hao Jiang Dysregulation of epigenetic condensates in disease
( University of Virginia, USA) 

S11-2 中枢神经系统内的非神经元细胞/Non-neuronal cells in the central nervous system 
Time: 22 Jul. 13:00-16:00 Venue:欢城3F鸿运厅 
No Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Bo Peng
1 13:00-13:30 Jianfeng Feng Mental Health and Immune System: A Data Driven Approach
( Fudan University, China )
2 13:30-14:00 Cheng He Seeing is believing: insights into nascent myelin formation
( Naval Medical University, China )
3 14:00-14:30 Bo Hu SEMA4D/PlexinB1信号调控眼底血管新生渗漏的机制及转化研究
( Wuhan Union Hospital of China )
4 14:30-15:00 Jiawei Zhou NG2 glia and NG2-expressing microglia, two distinct players during neurodegeneration
( Institute of Neuroscience, CAS, China )
5 15:00-15:30 Bo Peng 死亡与新生:关于小胶质细胞的哲学
( Fudan University, China )
6 15:30-16:00 Jianwei Jiao 小胶质细胞及神经干细胞调控机制研究
( Institute of Zoology, CAS, China )

S29-2 钙信号与细胞功能调控II/Ca Signaling in Cell Functions 
Time: 22 Jul. 13:00-16:00 Venue:欢城2F金鹰厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Zhuan Zhou, Liying Hao
1 13:00-13:20 Bailong Xiao Feeling Force with PIEZOs
( Tsinghua University, China )
2 13:20-13:40 Lei Chen Mechanism of trpc channel regulation by calcium
( Peking University, China )
3 13:40-14:00 Yuequan Shen Molecular basis of calcium signaling
( Nankai University,China )
4 14:00-14:20 Tieshan Tang 细胞钙稳态失衡与胼胝体发育缺陷
( Institute of Zoology, CAS, China )
5 14:20-14:40 Shiming Tang 清醒猴大脑皮层钙成像
( Peking University, China )
6 14:40-15:00 Youjun Wang 高动态范围基因编码钙探针的开发及应用
( Beijing Normal University, China )
7 15:00-15:15 Xiaodong Liu Engineering design and imaging applications of calcium sensor GCaMP-X
( Beihang University, China )
8 15:15-15:30 Yuhang Chen 植物抗病免疫的钙信号机制研究
( Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, China )
9 15:30-15:45 Fan Yang Structure-guided peptide engineering of a positive allosteric modulator targeting the outer pore of TRPV1 for long-lasting analgesia
( Zhejiang University, China )
10 15:45-16:00 Liying Hao The "rundown" phenomenon of LTCC channel and the development of targeted peptide drugs based on its rescue mechanism
( China Medical University, China )

S24 感染与免疫/Infection and Immunity 
Time: 22 Jul. 13:00-16:02 Venue:欢城3F恬园厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:02 Chairs: Guangxia Gao, Gong Cheng
1 13:05-13:25 Jianqing Xu 呼吸道病毒感染:如何建立有效免疫保护?
( Fudan University, China )
2 13:30-13:50 Weifeng Shi Dynamic circulation of avian influenza viruses in China from 2013 to 2022
( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China )
3 13:55-14:15 Xi Zhou Antiviral RNAi Immunity – From Basic to Translational Research RNAi抗病毒免疫-从基础到治疗
( Wuhan Institute of Virology, CAS, China )
4 14:20-14:40 Wanli Liu The tale of a tail: decoding antibody memory from biophysical perspectives
( Tsinghua University, China )
5 14:45-15:05 Di Wang New insights into immunometabolism
( Zhejiang University, China )
6 15:10-15:30 Ben Lv 重症凝血病与固有免疫
( XiangYa School of Medicine, CSU, China )
7 15:35-15:47 Jing Geng FAM16 regulates macrophage host defense and plasticity homeostasis in a bidirectional negative feedback manner
( Xi'an Jiaotong University, China )
8 15:50-16:02 Ning Jia The prokaryotic CRISPR-Cas immunity against invading bacteriophages and plasmids
( Southern University of Science and Technology, China )
Coffee Break
Time Venue Schedule
16:00-16:15 欢城3F序厅 Coffee Break
S14 医疗实践中的运动处方与药物处方/Combing medication and exercise prescription to better treat diseases 
Time: 22 Jul. 16:15-19:00  Venue:欢城3F吉祥厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-19:00 Chairs: Xi Wang, Zhigang Zhao    Hosts: Zhigang Zhao, Lizhen Wang
1 16:15-16:30 Jianjun Guo 体医融合助力健康中国
( Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, China )
2 16:30-17:00 Yan Zhang 在体育医学基础和应用研究中的体医工融合创新
( Capital University of Physical Education and Sports )
3 17:00-17:30 Wenliang Zhang 心血管疾病运动处方的制定
( Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, China )
4 17:30-18:00 Guangqing Du 疫情后时代患者运动康复监护与管理
( Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital, China )
5 18:00-18:30 Zhigang Zhao 值得关注的-运动处方和药物处方的和谐性
( Beijing Tiantan Hospital, CMU, China )
6 18:30-19:00 Ying Zeng 日常运动与药物警戒
( Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, China )
S16 氧环境、运动与健康/Oxygen Environment, Exercise, and Health Promotion 
Time: 22 Jul. 16:15-18:15  Venue:欢城3F恬园厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-18:15 Chairs: Dongyan Yuan, Hao Wu
1 16:15-16:30 Chaoqun Ye 低氧环境对特殊职业人员生理、认知功能的影响
( Air Force Medical Center, China )
2 16:30-16:45 Yingli Lu 低氧训练与减脂控重
( China Institute of Sport Science, China )
3 16:45-17:00 Fuhai Ma 高原高寒山地体能训练研究
( Qinghai Institute of Sport Science, China )
4 17:15-17:30 Jing Geng Mechanisms of infection and inflammation: Mst1/2 and beyond
( Xi'an Jiaotong University, China )
5 17:30-17:45 Ying Zhang 六周低氧暴露对高脂喂养的ApoE敲除鼠肝脏脂肪酸代谢的影响
( Beijing Sport University, China )
6 17:45-18:00 Ba Bian 平原人群高原习服相关生理指标跟踪调查研究
( Tibet University, China )
7 18:00-18:15 Hao Wu Research advances on the effects of different oxygen environments with high and low oxygen levels and exercise interventions on changes in human metabolism and respiratory function
( Capital University of Physical Education And Sports, China )
S19 运动、营养与抗衰老/Exercise, nutrition and anti-aging 
Time: 22 Jul. 16:15-18:00 Venue:欢城3F鸿运厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-18:00 Chairs: Ru Wang, Lan Zheng
1 16:15-16:30 Changfa Tang 运动促进国民体质健康与运动干预慢病的作用及机制研究
( Hunan Normal University, China )
2 16:30-16:45 Lan Zheng 以果蝇为模型探讨昼夜节律系统在运动延缓心脏衰老中的作用
( Hunan Normal University, China )
3 16:45-17:00 Lijuan Hou Dopamine regulation involved in exercise-induced neuroplasticity
( Beijing Normal University, China )
4 17:15-17:30 Xue Li 有氧运动调控特定脂质代谢物改善MA成瘾脑功能的神经机制研究
( Chengdu Sport University, China )
5 17:30-17:45 Xinan Zhang Study on the molecular mechanism of mechanical stress regulating ferroptosis signaling pathway to improve osteoarthritis
( Shenyang Sport University, China )
6 17:45-18:00 Yan Zhang 剧烈运动的免疫细胞单细胞转录组研究
( Capital University of Physical Education And Sports, China )
7 18:00-18:15 Junhao Huang Mechanism of aerobic exercise improving SOCE-mediated coronary contraction in aging rats
( Guangzhou Sport University, China) 
S21 肿瘤糖生物学与创新核酸药物/Tumor glycobiology and innovative RNA drug 
Time: 22 Jul. 16:15-18:45 Venue:欢城3F朝阳厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-18:45 Chairs: Peng Wang
1 16:15-16:40 Jianxin Gu 氨基己糖合成途径调控结直肠癌免疫逃逸的功能机制研究
( Fudan University, China )
2 16:40-17:05 Kan Ding Protective role of renal D-Glucuronyl C5-Epimerase
( Glce) in the pathogenesis of kidney fibrosis
( Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, CAS, China )
3 17:05-17:30 Peng Wang 以mRNA手段探索肿瘤糖生物学
( Southern University of Science and Technology, China )
4 17:30-17:55 Chuxia Deng BRCA1 Insufficiency Induces a Hypersialylated Acidic Tumor Microenvironment that Promotes Metastasis and Immunotherapy Resistance
( University of Macau, China )
5 17:55-18:20 Dapeng Zhou 糖抗原识别的结构生物学和分子动力学
( Tongji University, China )
6 18:20-18:45 Feng Guan 平分型糖链与肿瘤
( Northwest University, China )
S30 力学生物学与生命健康/Mechanobiology Related to Life and Health 
Time: 22 Jul. 16:15-19:15 Venue:欢城3F贵宾一厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-19:15 Chairs: Li Yang, Yonggang Lv
1 16:15-16:35 Mian Long PMN曳尾形成的力学-生物学耦合机制
( Institute of Mechanics, CAS, China )
2 16:35-16:55 Yingxin Qi 移植静脉内膜新生的力学生物学机制
( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China )
3 16:55-17:15 Xiaoyan Liu EGCG抑制血管中膜钙化及机制研究
( Sichuan University, China )
4 17:15-17:35 Lizhen Wang 智能化微创式植介入器械设计与调控
( Beihang University, China )
5 17:35-17:55 Yonggang Lv 功能化ZIF-8治疗乳腺癌骨转移的机制研究
( Wuhan Textile University,China )
6 17:55-18:15 Mingxing Lei 皮肤类器官形态相变诱导毛囊再生的机制研究
( Chongqing University, China )
7 18:15-18:30 Junwei Chen A synthetic retinoid induces drug-resistant tumor repopulating cell apoptosis via nuclear RARγ exit mediated tension reduction and chromatin decondensation
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
8 18:30-18:45 Yuan Feng Brain biomechanics and its application in neurodegenerative diseases using magnetic resonance elastography
( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China )
9 18:45-19:00 Yifei Yao Cell Membrane tensile strain and resealing ratio under cyclic mechanical loading
( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China )
10 19:00-19:15 Miao Yu Implementing Optogenetic Modulation in Mechanotransduction of Cell
( Zhejiang University, China )
S31 前沿技术引领科学发现/Cutting-edge technology leads scientific discovery 
Time: 22 Jul. 16:15-19:35 Venue:欢城3F国际厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
16:15-19:35 Chairs: Fei Sun, Liangyi Chen
1 16:15-16:35 Yi Yang Synthetic fluorescent proteins and RNAs for in vivo studies
( East China University of Science and Technology, China )
( Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology,CAS, China )
3 16:55-17:15 Huaidong Jiang Opportunities and Challenges in Biological Imaging Technologies Based on Large-Scale Scientific Facilities
( ShanghaiTech University, China )
4 17:15-17:35 Guangdun Peng Spatial omics and spatial data analysis
( Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health,CAS, China )
5 17:35-17:45 Guoqiang Wang Next Generation Biolayer Interferometry
( BLI) Technology Simplified Biomolecular Interaction Analysis
( Gator Bio, Inc )
17:45-17:55 Tea Break
6 17:55-18:15 Wensheng Wei TBD
( Peking University, China )
7 18:15-18:35 Haiyan Liu 蛋白质设计的人工智能方法
( University of Science and Technology of China )
8 18:35-18:50 Wenqing Shui GLP-1 Receptor: What Can We Do After Solving Its Structures?
( ShanghaiTech University, China )
9 18:50-19:05 Zhaofa Wu A GRAB sensor reveals activity-dependent non-vesicular somatodendritic adenosine release
( Peking University, China )
10 19:05-19:20 Libin Ye Exploration of 19F-qNMR in Tapping the Functions of GPCR Intermediate-States
( University of South Florida, USA )
11 19:20-19:35 Leiting Pan Macrophage migrates on adhesive-nonadhesive alternate surfaces in mesenchymal mode
( Nankai University, China )
Time Venue Title / Affiliation
18:30-20:30 璇宫 

July 23 ( Sunday )

Plenary Lecture 
Venue: 欢城3F宴会厅B+C 
Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
8:30-9:15 Harald Stenmark Repair of damaged lysosomes 
(University of Oslo, Norway)
9:15-10:00 Chen Wu Dynamic genomic and cellular alterations during multi-step cancer development
 (Peking Union Medical College, China)
Coffee Break
Time Venue Schedule
10:00-10:30 欢城3F序厅 Coffee Break
Plenary Lecture 
Venue: 欢城3F宴会厅B+C 
Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
10:30-11:15 Gaojun Teng 介入医学的创新发展与趋势
(Southeast University, China)
Time Venue Schedule
11:30-13:00 欢城3F宴会厅A 
S9 器官特异性衰老与相关疾病的机制/Mechanisms of organ specific aging and diseases 
Time: 23 Jul. 13:00-16:05 Venue:欢城2F金鹰厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:05 Chairs: Junping Liu, Chang Chen
1 13:00-13:30 Yuyu Niu 灵长类基因编辑与转化医学
( Kunming University of Science and Technology, China )
2 13:30-13:55 Duanqing Pei Understanding human segmentation clock through reprogramming
( Westlake University, China )
3 13:55-14:20 Ming Lei X连锁扩增子调控精原干细胞的机制
( Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China )
4 14:20-14:45 Jing Qu 细胞衰老与再生的机制
( Institute of Zoology, CAS, China )
5 14:45-15:10 Liu Cao 细胞稳态维系机制与肿瘤及衰老形成
( China Medical University, China )
6 15:10-15:30 Jiacan Su 骨质疏松性骨折发病机制与修复策略
( Naval Medical University, China) 
7 15:30-15:50 Guobing Chen 免疫衰老的特征和分子机制研究
( Jinan University, China )
8 15:50-16:05 Hongyi Wu Stress granules protect ER-exit sites from TDP43 aggregation
( National University of Singapore )
S33 生物感知与传感/Bioperception and biosensing 
Time: 23 Jul. 13:00-16:10 Venue:欢城3F吉祥厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:10 Chairs: Jianfeng Liu, Guangyin Xu
1 13:00-13:25 Wei Kong 血管G蛋白偶联受体及其新配体发现
( Peking University Health Science Center, China )
2 13:25-13:50 Xiaobing Zhang 光学探针结构调控与精准成像
 (Hunan University, China)  
3 13:50-14:15 Chanjuan Xu Different pharmacological and Gi/o protein responses triggered by endogenous GPCRs in neurons
 (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)  
4 14:15-14:40 Fei Xu A framework for class-A GPCR dimerization
( ShanghaiTech University, China )
5 14:40-15:00 Zhenhua Shao GPCR信号转导变构调控与疾病干预
( West China Hospital,Sichuan University, China)
6 15:00-15:20 Liping Qiu 时空特异的细胞膜分子测量
( Hunan University, China )
7 15:20-15:40 Mao Ye 利用核酸适体揭示CKAP4重塑机械力促进膀胱癌转移
( Hunan University, China )
8 15:40-16:00 Xianghui Xu 生物感知型仿生多肽纳米药物与疾病靶向治疗
( Hunan University, China )
9 16:00-16:10 Zhongwen Chen Physical Chemical Regulation of Cell Membrane Signaling
( Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Organic chemistry )
S15 人类表型与健康:证据、机制和防控策略/Phenomics and Human Health:Evidence, Mechanisms, and Prevention 
Time: 23 Jul. 13:00-16:00 Venue:欢城3F鸿运厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Tangchun Wu, Chen Ding
13:00-13:06 Opening Speech
1 13:06-13:35 Hongyan Wang 非编码RNAs决定表型发生的分子机制研究
( Fudan University, China )
2 13:35-14:04 Yonggang Yao 灵长类动物表型与遗传---从基础研究到临床转化应用的探讨
( Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS, China )
3 14:04-14:33 Peilin Jia 中科院职业人群队列多维组学研究
( Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS, China )
4 14:33-15:02 Sijia Wang 人体外貌特征差异的影响因素及其与健康疾病的关系
( Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, CAS, China )
5 15:02-15:31 Suowen Xu TRIM56 protects against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) via promoting the degradation of fatty acid synthase
University of Science and Technology of China, China )
6 15:31-16:00 Mingrui Xia 抑郁症的脑功能网络异常及其神经生物学亚型研究
 (Beijing Normal University, China) 
S20 病理微环境调控与智能诊疗/Intelligent Medicine for Pathological Microenvironment Modulation & Therapy 
Time: 23 Jul. 13:00-15:30 Venue:欢城3F朝阳厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Guangjun Nie, Daishun Ling
1 13:00-13:25 Jianfei Sun 精准纳米磁刺激及可能的疾病治疗应用
( Southeast University, China )
2 13:25-13:50 Jinzhi Du 生物材料调控巨噬细胞功能改善肿瘤免疫治疗的研究
( South China University of Technology )
3 13:50-14:15 Yuan Gao 靶向激活生物正交前药
( Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China )
4 14:15-14:40 Guosheng Song 基于MRI-长余辉发光的精准活体成像
( Hunan University, China )
5 14:40-15:05 Qi Wang AIE光敏剂的构建及应用
( East China University of Science and Technology, China )
6 15:05-15:30 Hai Wang 纳米PROTAC的的设计和应用
( National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China )
S22 肠道微生态与人类健康/Intestinal Microflora and Human Health 
Time: 23 Jul. 13:00-16:00 Venue:欢城3F恬园厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Zhongze Fang, Shuangjiang Liu, Changtao Jiang
1 13:00-13:30 Chao Zhong 先天淋巴细胞的转录与代谢调控
( Peking University, China )
2 13:30-14:00 He Huang 工程益生菌药物设计
( Tianjin University, China )
3 14:00-14:30 Lei Zhou Innate lymphoid cell regulation of intestinal health and disease
( Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute, China )
4 14:30-15:00 Yanli Pang 肠道微生物与脂肪组织代谢异常在多囊卵巢综合症中的应用
( Peking University Thired Hospital, China )
5 15:00-15:30 Weihua Chen 肠道菌群作为疾病诊断可行性的系统评估:基于机器学习的大规模队列研究
( Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China )
6 15:30-16:00 Zhongze Fang 肠道菌群代谢物与妊娠糖尿病
( Tianjin Medical University, China )
S23 线粒体与疾病/Mitochondria with disease 
Time: 23 Jul. 13:00-16:00 Venue:欢城3F贵宾一厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Zhiyin Song, Yushan Zhu
1 13:00-13:25 Yunyu Shi Mitochondrial epigenetic regulation and human degenerative diseases
( University of Science and Technology of China )
2 13:25-13:45 Minxin Guan 线粒体基因突变调控线粒体质量控制和凋亡
( Zhejiang University, China )
3 13:45-14:05 Bin Qi Bacterial peptidoglycan activates food digestion through inhibiting the mitochondrial unfolded protein response
( Yunnan University, China )
4 14:05-14:25 Liangyi Chen 超分辨率成像确定tau病理学的结构和线粒体表型
( Peking University, China )
5 14:25-14:45 Xin Pan 线粒体异常与疾病
( Academic of Military Medical Science, China )
6 14:45-15:05 Hui Jiang 线粒体自噬调控与疾病
( National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China )
7 15:05-15:25 Lei Liu 线粒体与铁死亡
( Institute of Zoology, CAS, China )
8 15:25-15:45 Zhenji Gan 线粒体代谢与稳态
( Nanjing University, China )
9 15:45-16:00 Qi Long TCA enzymes act as messengers from mitochondria to the nucleus
( Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health,CAS, China )
S28 人工智能生物学: 方法和应用/Artificial intelligence biology: methods and application 
Time: 23 Jul. 13:00-16:00 Venue:欢城3F国际厅 
No. Time Speaker Title / Affiliation
13:00-16:00 Chairs: Luonan Chen
1 13:00-13:20 Jianyi Yang Deep Learning Protein Structure
( Shandong University, China )
2 13:20-13:40 Qiangfeng Zhang 人工智能驱动的生物结构解析
( Tsinghua University, China )
3 13:40-14:00 Qi Liu 组学数据挖掘的小样本学习
( Tongji University, China )
4 14:00-14:15 Weng Kung, PENG NMR-based traits: The Next Generation of Precision Medicine
( Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, China )
5 14:15-14:30 Jianping Xu Era of Autonomous Confocal Microscopy powered by Leica AIVIA begins
( Leica Microsystems )
14:30-14:40 Tea Break
6 14:40-15:00 Shihua Zhang 智能空间转录组学:为破译组织结构铺平道路
( Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, CAS, China )
7 15:00-15:20 Jianyang Zeng Deep Learning for Advancing Drug Discovery
( Tsinghua University, China )
8 15:20-15:40 Sheng Ye CUTEDGE: A Sequence-Independent Protein Design Algorithm Based on the Reciprocal Space Diffusion Model
( Beihang University, China )
9 15:40-16:00 Luonan Chen Dynamics-based data science and AI in biology and medicine
( Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS, China )
Closing Ceremony
Time Venue Schedule
16:00-16:15 欢城3F宴会厅B+C Closing Ceremony

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   July 20 (Thursday)
   July 21 (Friday)
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   July 23 (Sunday)

Ms. Jingping Long (龙静萍) 


Ms. Puguang Li (李普光) 


Ms. Jia Ji (吉佳) 


Ms.Tongyan Yue (岳同岩) 
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