

日期:2017-03-03  浏览次数:7965

第19届国际生物物理大会 (19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress) 将于2017年7月16-20日在英国爱丁堡举行(http://www.iupab2017.org)。

IUPAB (International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, 国际纯粹与应用生物物理联合会)于1961年成立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,致力于组织生物物理的国际合作,促进生物物理相关课题及各种分支学科间的信息交流,鼓励各国对生物物理事业有关的学会之间的合作。


此次国际生物物理大会特别设立了“青年差旅奖”,以鼓励和支持生物物理领域的青年研究人员参会,申请成功者可获得250-1000 欧元资助。




Early Career Travel Grants are to assist young biophysicists, especially from developing countries, and applications opened from Monday, January 09, 2017. Closing date for applications is Friday, March 10, 2017.

Applicants must present a poster or platform contribution to the Congress, and it is required that supervisors approve of their attendance.

These IUPAB awards are intended to supplement, rather than to fully pay travel expenses. Maximum award is $1000 Euros and minimum is $250 Euros. The awards are not intended to cover the cost of registration to the Congress.

The funds will be paid in cash in Euros at the actual congress, and it is a condition that recipients attend the whole congress. They must register on Day 1 at the YSTA booth, and the location will be posted near the Registration area.

Passport or similar photoID must be provided, together with a photocopy to be left with us for attachment to an official receipt form.

Payments will be made on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 19, and a receipt must be signed by each recipient.

This is a requirement of our Auditors, and payments cannot be made without compliance with this condition.