
祝贺王艳丽、李国红获得HHMI 国际青年科学家奖!

日期:2017-05-10  浏览次数:7621

      第二届霍华德.休斯医学研究所国际青年科学家奖 (HHMI International Early Career Scientist) 今揭晓,中国生物物理学会会员、中科院生物物理所王艳丽和李国红两位研究员入选!他们将获得HHMI为期5年共65万美元的资助。

      霍华德.休斯医学研究所(HMMI) 成立于1953年,是全球规模最大的非盈利性私立医学研究所之一,每年在生物医学上的研究投入为8亿多美元。HHMI于2012年首次设立国际青年科学家奖,资助美国以外近20个国家的杰出科学家。受资助者须在美国受过科研训练、近7年内已建立自己独立的实验室,并有潜力成为国家的科研领军人物。

“HHMI 国际青年科学家” 王艳丽

2002-2004, 中国科学技术大学, 博士
2005-2006, 中国科学院生物物理研究所, 助理研究员
2006-2011, 美国斯隆-凯瑟琳癌症研究中心, 博士后、副研究员、高级研究员
2011-至今, 中国科学院生物物理研究所, “百人计划”研究员

2016年第十三届中国青年女科学家奖;2016年第九届谈家桢生命科学奖(创新奖);细胞出版社2015中国年度论文奖; 2015年优秀百人奖;2015年中国科学院优秀导师奖。


1. Liu L, Li X …Wang Y. Two distant catalytic sites are responsible for C2c2RNase activities. Cell 2017,168:121-134.
2. Liu L, Chen P … Wang Y. C2c1-sgRNA complex structure reveals RNA-guided DNA cleavagemechanism. Molecular Cell  2017, 65.
3. Wang J, Ma J … Wang Y. A CRISPR evolutionary arms race: structural insights into viral anti-CRISPR/Cas responses.Cell Research 2016, 26:1165–1168.
4. Wang J, Li J… Wang Y., Structural and mechanistic basis of PAM-dependent spacer aquisition in CRISPR-Cas system.Cell 2015, 163: 840-853.  
5. Zhao H, Sheng G … Wang Y. Crystal structure of the RNA-guided immune surveillance Cascade complex in Escherichia coli. Nature 2014, 151: 147-150.  
6. Swarts DC, Makarova K, Wang Y et al. The evolutionary journey of Argonaute proteins. Nature structural & molecular biology 2014, 21: 743-753.  
7. Sheng G, Zhao H …Wang Y. Structure-based cleavage mechanism of Thermus thermophilus Argonaute DNA guide strand-mediated DNA target cleavage. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2014,111(2): 652-657.  
8. Rüdel S, WangY, et al. Phosphorylation of human Argonaute proteins affectssmall RNA binding. NucleicAcids Res 2011,39:2330-43.  
9. Wang Y,et al. Structural and functional insights into 5'-ppp RNA pattern recognition by the innate immune receptor RIG-I. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2010, 17:781-787.
10. Wang Y, et al. Nucleation, propagation and cleavage of target RNAs in Ago silencing complexes. Nature 2009, 461:754-761.  
11. Wang Y, et al. Structure of an argonaute silencing complex with a seed-containing guide DNA and target RNA duplex. Nature 2008, 56:921-926.  
12. Wang Y, et al. Structure of the guide-strand-containing argonaute silencing complex. Nature 2008, 456: 209-213.  
13. Wang Y, et al. Seeing the process of histidine phosphorylation in human bisphosphoglycerate mutase.J Biol Chem. 2006, 281:39642-8.  
14. Wang Y, et al. Crystal structure of human B type phosphoglyceratemutase bound with citrate. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2005, 331:1207-15.  
15. WangY, et al. Crystal structure of human bisphosphoglycerate mutase. J Biol Chem 2004, 279: 39132-8.

“HHMI 国际青年科学家” 李国红

1991-1995, 武汉大学病毒系, 理学学士
1995-1998, 北京医科大学生物物理系, 理学硕士
1998-2003, 德国马普细胞生物学研究所/海德堡大学生物系, 博士
2003-2009, 美国霍华德休斯医学研究院 (HHMI),博士后
2009-今, 中国科学院生物物理研究所, 中科院“百人计划”研究员


1. W Li, P Chen … G Li. (2016) FACT remodels the tetranucleosomal unit of chromatin fibers for gene transcription. Molecular Cell 64(1),120-133.
2. Q Zhao, J Zhang …G Li, J Wong (2016) Dissecting the precise role of H3K9 methylation in crosstalk with DNA maintenance methylation in mammals. Nature Communications.7,12464.
3. Q Fang, P Chen… G Li, RM Xu. (2016) Human cytomegalovirus IE1 protein alters the higher-order chromatin structure by targeting the acidic patch of the nucleosome.Elife. 5,e11911.
4. J Fang, Y Liu …G Li. (2015) Structural transitions of centromeric chromatin regulate the cell cycle-dependent recruitment of CENP-N. Genes & Development. 29 (10),1058-73.
5. Z Yu, X Zhou … G Li. (2015) Dynamic Phosphorylation of CENP-A at Ser68 orchestrates Its cell-cycle-dependent deposition at centromeres. Developmental Cell32(1), 68-81.
6. F Song, P Chen … G Li. (2014) Cryo-EM study reveals a double helix of the 30 nm chromatin fiber twisted by tetra-nucleosomal units. Science 344 (6182), 376-380.
7. P Chen, J Zhao … G Li. (2013) H3.3 actively marks enhancers and primes gene transcription via opening higher-ordered chromatin. Genes & Developmentv27(19), 2109-2124.
8. CP Liu, C Xiong … G Li, RM Xu. (2012)Structure of the variant histone H3.3-H4 heterodimer in complex with its chaperone DAXX. Nature Structural and MolecularBiology. 19(12), 1287-1292.